125th Bollard(s) of London...

Posted on the 06 June 2011 by Bollards Of London @bollardoflondon
We are at Onslow Crescent SW.7 in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea to take a look at a pair of bollards that look nothing like the usual this "Royal" borough has to offer.
The bollards are circular at the base with a cylindrical column rising vertically only to be interrupted by a ridge/ring near halfway up the column. The top of the bollard is tiered and is topped with a near perfect ball. Coloured green these really do not match the dandy/ornate larger bollards found in the rest of this borough.
According to a report by Jill Sherman in the Times today the future for bollards and other parts of the "street furniture" family may well be under threat by the Localism Bill which is presently making its passage through parliament.
Welcome to the 125th Bollard(s) of London...