127/365 Lavender's in the Loo, Dilly Dilly

Posted on the 08 May 2013 by Ellenarnison @Ellen27

Eventually 'do the garden' had been on the action list so long it was impossible to ignore.

Monday afternoon saw the Boys and I clearing the weeds and rubbish and generally tidying up. 

Like last year and the year before I have resolved that I'll do something about the garden this summer. I will. I really will.

To this end I have taken action. I've ordered a bench off the internet and I bought some plants in the supermarket. 

The bench hasn't arrived yet and the plants - including the seductively pretty lavender - are still paddling in the sink in the downstairs loo. 

This year, I promise...

PS If anyone can suggest good things to plant that grow in shady soggy spots yet look wonderful, smell heavenly and don't let any weeds through, I'd be very pleased.