There I was 4576th - well within the target of not being last
Action shot by Boy Two - athlete's zoom past
Supersister is accompanied on her lap of honor by Spiderman and Boy Two
Another one of Boy Two's showing just what a lovely day it was
I'm not quite as slow as I think. Admittedly I'm not built for speed, but when Supersister and I first took part in this event in 2001 we completed 10K in 73 minutes. Now, 12 years later with four additional babies between us, we were only 5 minutes slower. Not bad when you consider that included a comfort stop too.
Rainy days mean less loo paper gets used. Really. At the halfway point the queues for the lavs weren't bad, and there was still loo roll left. I theorise that people drink more water on hot days.
It's always best to start at the back and overtake. We started off quite far down the pack, corralled with the smokers and the women dressed as pandas. But that meant almost all the time we were overtaking and not struggling to keep up as people ran round us.
Somethings are harder than you think to get rid of. I took with me a really nasty green hoody with the intention to discard it as soon as I warmed up at the start. Only the warming up didn't really happened the nasty green hoody has come home with me again.
Two bras are better than one. I've found the best bosom solution isn't to spend a fortune on a sophisticated engineered creation, but simply to wear two really ordinary sports bras at once. The other benefit of this is you get a handy mobile phone pouch between the two.
It's much more fun with friends. Supersister and Dynamic Deb (new nickname, but well deserved) made it much more fun - thanks.
The ladies from She Boom were giving it laldy. This video is from a previous year, but they were every bit as good today.
PS You'll notice there was no photo for 131 - that's because you lucky folk got two 127s.