Self Expression Magazine

14 Day Health Kick | Update #1

Posted on the 21 January 2013 by Kerysmarie @littleboblab
14 day health kick | Update #1     Hellooo! So heres my first update of the 14 day health kick.. & my god it ain't a good one!
  14 Days Of: 1.No Coffee or regular tea 2.More Green Tea 3.Daily exercise 4.No alcohol 5.No Sugar 6.More fruit & Veggies 7.More Water 8.Regular Sleep 9.No food after 7 10. No juice or pop
  Honestly, I didn't know what I was letting myself in for. I mean I have terrible will power as it is (like if I see a sign at the chip shop saying 'HOT do not touch' .. I will touch it) & I get why people may find this little detox helpful, but wow! - That is a hell of a lot to give up.
2 weeks without tea or coffee? - are you kidding me? I was ready to attack business men in the street with Costa cups 2 days in.. So as you can probably guess, I failed that part miserably.
I did try and replace my morning English tea with green tea.. Honestly I tried, & I'm still trying because I know the benefits and all the nutritional crapola that comes with drinking it, but guys, in all seriousness.. it tastes like I'm licking a field!!
To be fair I have been drinking a lot more water, and chips have been substituted for salad or veg with all my meals (not that I ate chips with everything..) But yeah I've had a decent try so far with that part of the challenge.
The exercise however hasn't been easy, its snowing pretty heavy here in Yorkshire so running is not on option & slapping on the 80's lycra for a dvd workout in my living room is too cringy to even bear thinking (especially because I live with 11 people now!)
- Does running up and down three flights of stairs count as exercise?
  14 day health kick | Update #1
14 day health kick | Update #1
I want to mess up all that perfect snow so badly!
- would not like to risk running on those pavements though!
I have 6 days left of the 14 day challenge and I'm going to do my best to keep it up, but honestly its harder than it looks. 2 weeks is a hell of a lot longer when you're having a no caffeine rage!
Wish me luck!
Have you started any detox or healthy eating plans this year?
14 day health kick | Update #1

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