15 Weeks and Babies Everywhere!

Posted on the 02 January 2012 by Karaevs @KaraEvs

Two things seems to happen over the holidays – either people got engaged or they announced that they were pregnant!!

In my circle of Facebook friendness, it was 1:2 for engagement to pregnancies. Actually, really it’s only tied 1-1 because one friend hasn’t announced that she’s expecting except to close friends and family.

I won’t dish out details about her pregnancy, but I will say that my bestest friend Rebecca (who was my MOH for my wedding) is expecting her 2nd child in July, only about a month after I’d due!! I’m pretty excited for her and it will be fun to share experiences, even though it’s her 2nd and she’s already given me some pretty good pointers. Poor girl has the worst morning sickness though – same as with her 1st pregnancy. I feel so lucky I didn’t have any other than coffee making me feel nauseous.

Anyway – Here’s today’s Pregnancy Update!

How far along? 15 weeks – How has that much time gone by already?!

How big is baby? He or she is about 4″ long from crown to bum, or the size of an apple, according to BabyCentre.ca!

Total weight gain/loss: It may have been all the turkey for the holidays, but I’ve gained about 2lbs since I last weighed myself. Just because I can – I’m going to say it’s all baby, lol.

Maternity Clothes? I finally went and bought a pair of maternity jeans and they are soooo comfy!! They can be worn during all trimesters, so they’re perfect. My mom also bought me a khaki skirt for the springtime since it was on sale for $7! You can’t beat that!

I was actually really nervous about maternity clothes shopping just because I’m not showing all that much yet – some of the more pregnant women were giving me weird looks. I was also one of the youngest women in the store, which was weird. But, the sales associate was SOOO helpful in telling me about their great discount programs and finding the right size to fit me through my whole pregnancy. It really made for a great experience!

Stretch marks? Still none

Sleep: It’s hit or miss if I get a good night’s sleep. A “good” night is when I only wake up twice to go pee!

Movement: Other than the outward growth of my belly, nothing. I don’t imagine I’ll feel anything until the end of this month.

Food cravings: I’m STILL not craving anything too weird! No pickles and peanut butter ice cream, no spaghetti with maple syrup, nothing! My sense of smell is ridiculous though, so whenever I smell something good I want whatever it is!

What I miss: I really miss being able to sleep on my stomach. My should is really tight from sleeping on my side every night. I’ve been trying to alternate sides, but I always wind up back on my right side. Oh well. That’s what massage therapy is for!

What I am looking forward to: The ultrasound appointment!! The clinic called me last Wednesday to make an appointment, and I’m going on Feb. 2! (Groundhog Day, as my grandma pointed out!) So, the question will be, will we see a shadow or won’t we? Girl (No shadow) or Boy (Shadow)?!

Oh, and I think we’ve made a decision on whether or not to find out what we’re having! I’ve caved and decided that if we can and baby is cooperating, we’ll find out! It will just make everything a lot easier (painting, names, etc.), plus I’ll be able to better bond with my tummy! We’ll keep the name a secret though

Milestones: It’s not really a big milestone, but finally telling my boss that I’m expecting was a huge step for me. I had been putting it off until the boss’s boss (aka, the publisher!) came up to me and mentioned that I should probably give him a head’s up. So, I sent my boss an email later that afternoon and the next day he congratulated me! I’ll take that as a good sign that he’s not disgruntled that he’ll have to find a replacement for me while I’m on mat. leave, lol
