Diaries Magazine

186/365 What Did You Do While They Shut the Wimbledon Roof?

Posted on the 06 July 2013 by Ellenarnison @Ellen27
186/365 What did you do while they shut the Wimbledon roof?

It was tense. Andy wasn't happy with the decision to shut the roof, just when he seemed to have a firm grip on the semi final game.

We decided to fill the mysterious 20 minutes by trotting down to the harbor to feed the ducks.

Of course we were thinking about a stale treat for the mallards, but we also needed an outing for Boy Three who had a nap of doom in the car. Not surprising really as we'd spent a splendid day at Crealys Theme Park.

We learned the answer to the thorny question: Do ducks like garlic bread? Meanwhile, some beautiful alto stratus clouds decorated the sky.

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