by Liz
This past weekend my friend Charis and I were goin' down the only road I've ever known... Oh here I go again... Well, we were not singing Whitesnake's Here I Go Again at Karaoke, we were driving from Seattle down to the Bay Area for a friends wedding. The logical thing to do was to drive the 800+ miles. If you know me, you'll understand that it is actually logical. I grew up going on long road trips and I am not a stranger to the open road. Even though I was the driver, not the rider it was an adventure and I'd like to share a bit of it with you day by day.
Top Left Clockwise 1) The beautiful Oregon 2) California Baby! 3) Puny human/massive tree 4) Airing out the feet in the warm California sun.
Day 1
I need coffee now! Please!Really this would be day 1.5. Wednesday evening we headed down to Portland, OR to stay with Charis' sister to get a three hour chunk taken off. The long Thursday drive. We were off by 5:45am headed down I-5. Before we left Oregon, a planned detour to cut over to the coast and by taking the 199 to Crescent City, California. Why you ask? That is where the Redwood National Forest is located. We took the opportunity to see the Redwoods, a first for both of us. AMAZING! The trees are huge and beautiful. The drive down the 101 was not too shabby winding along the Pacific Coast. Arriving at Charis' gracious family's home around 10pm, the 16 day was long, but worth it.
1) Napa Valley 2) I'm ready for wine! 3) Just down the drive... 4) Umm, yeah that is pretty!
Day 2
Napa Valley California
From our lodging in San Pablo, we headed up to Napa Valley around 9:30am to get some sight seeing in before the main event that evening. A stop for yummy pastries at Bouchon Bakery and then a couple of wineries made for a lovely day. The sunny beautiful 80 degree Napa Valley weather had a bit to do with that too. Then we celebrated our friends wedding with a nice intimate wedding that was beyond beautiful.
1) Chinatown 2) Crazy Lombard Street Behind Me (right after driving down it) 3) Hang on! 4) This truly sums up the trip for me (favorite pic)
Day 3
San Francisco in a DayCharis's Uncle was kind enough to map out a must see and easy directions on how to get around the city without spending most of the day zig zagging to the tourist destinations. This rider was happy to report that I got to ride a famous Cable Car (not trolley, by the way, the operators will quickly correct you if you make that mistake:O). However, as we waited in the long line for our turn to board the Cable Car, I could not get the Trolley Song out of my head. The one that Judy Garland Sings in Meet Me In St. Louis. Ding ding ding with the trolley, ding ding ding went the bell, zing zing zing went my heartstrings as we started for huntington dell... Love it! Other stops included a foggy Twin Peaks, Chinatown, zig zagging down Lombard Street (that was pretty cool), Ghiradelli Square, and the Golden Gate Bridge. Phew! Another long but fun and amazing day. After a lovely dinner with Charis' Family and some friends I headed to bed for that 4:30 Good Morning call.
1) Sunrise 2) Lake Shasta 3) I changed the Pic to Mt. Shasta, originally a unflattering one of Charis Sleeping that I snapped with me smiling. I'm a nicer friend than that:O) 4) Blue skies all the way, until Oregon and Washington... Surprise Surprise...
Day 4
810 straight, miles that is...5:02am the car was packed and we waved goodbye to Uncle as we headed out of San Pablo and to the I-80 then shortly on the 505 before the final road of the day I-5. All in the wee early darkness of morning I was unable to see the palm trees as we cruised along. I did however, listen to music to help with my attention as my passenger slept :O) By 7:30am I as witnessing an amazing sunrise. The drive was also as striking as the rest of the trip had been. I've been all over this land of ours, (the United States) and it is truly a stunning place to live. The terrain changed and Mt. Shasta amazed. Good time was made with 14 hours after departure the sight of Seattle was getting bigger and bigger in the windshield. Truly a whirlwind, it was a fantastic adventure.