1st 10 Days RECAP

Posted on the 10 May 2012 by Projectcassie @projectcassie

Ok so today makes it 10 days, yay me. I am so proud of myself, for staying loyal to the product and completing my 10 days challenge. I lost 5pounds, I went from 215 to 210 and that's considering the fact that I did not change my diet or did any exercise. During these 10 days I actually ate what ever I want with no regards for calories, and other than checking the mail I did not exercise.
So I'm happy with the results, this proves that this product is for real, I don't have to change nothing in my day to day life other than my coffee and I can lose weight. But I got to step it up If I want to be in a two piece bathing suit by the end of the summer. So the next step is doing some research on counting calories and adding that to drinking Boresha's B-skinny coffee.
Check out my review to get a insight view on the coffee and to get an idea of what to expect when you start the coffee. Please leave your comments and follow me on twitter.com