2 Months of Lucille Amelia

Posted on the 21 August 2013 by Monetm1218 @monetmoutrie

I’m in process of compiling all my baby/pregnancy posts. I realized about two weeks ago that I could have made my life FAR easier by separating my pregnancy updates from my recipes…but you live and learn! So if you’re interested in reading about my pregnancy, you can now click on one of the four links below. And if you’re not feeling up to picture after picture of my pregnant self today, they’ll always be available in my Recipe Index under Baby (where you can find Lucy’s birth story too!).

My First Pregnancy Part 1

My First Pregnancy Part 2

My First Pregnancy Part 3

My First Pregnancy Part 4

And now onto Miss Lucille. It’s hard to believe that she’s already 2 months old! Wasn’t it just yesterday that I was waddling around, 40 weeks + 5 days, praying that this baby would come out? But then again, it’s now hard to imagine life without her.

Lucy is over 12 pounds now. She’s gained 4 pounds (all breastmilk) since delivery! Even though we had a few hard weeks of nursing, I’m grateful we stuck with it. Feeding her has easily become my favorite part of the day. I love the way her hand strokes my side as she nurses. The tiny scratch marks on my chest are reminders of the sweet times we share together. I love how my boobs (still tiny as ever) can miraculously get her to calm down. NO MATTER WHAT. And I love the way her eyes begin to droop after a few minutes of steady nursing. There is nothing like lulling a baby to sleep (especially after a morning of fussing).

But the best part of this last month has easily been watching Lucille smile. She recognizes Ryan and me now, which means we get big grins when we come into her view. I LOVE BABY SMILES. More than most anything in the world.

We walk everyday together. I snuggle her into the Moby Wrap and we take off before the sun gets strong. I think we’re walking at least two miles a day. She falls asleep as soon as we leave our block, listening to my heartbeat and enjoying the gentle rhythm of my pace. We also spend ample time with our sweet families. Grandma and Mimi take the cake. They see Lucy every week, if not more, and she loves being held by our sweet mamas.

Lucy also loves hearing her dad sing, and takes special delight in the Sunday School classic: This Little Light of Mine. Margot is still her biggest fan (besides Mom, Dad, Grandma, and Mimi, of course) and couldn’t be more protective. So yes, we are all happy and healthy and thankful for these two months of joy.


Anecdotes and Apple Cores