20 Point Recap of Women Get Social Philly

Posted on the 07 September 2014 by Chasingjoy @chasing_joy
Oh, where to start!  That is the feeling I have when I sit down to write this post.  In a good way though.  I am full of ideas on  how to grow my blog, improve my content, and overall give you readers a better experience here and a better connection with me in general.  I attended SITS Woman Get Social Blogger Conference this past weekend and I am ready to start putting into practice all of the things I learned. The conference was fantastic.  The sponsors LG, Mirassou Winery, and Personal Blackbox were great and approachable.  The Doubletree hotel was a great venue with god food.  Everything about the conference was Awesome!  But, oh where do I start implementing all that I learned?
First up, share with you guys some of what I learned.  Knowledge is power and I want those of you who blogged to be empowered too.  Now of course what I share here cannot even compare to all that I learned at the conference, so I highly recommend you all get to the next SITS or other conference that comes to your area.
I have been blogging for almost 5 years now and I still learned brand new information at this conference. Here are 5 things that I did not know before I attended Women Get Social.
  1. When you create images for your blog or social media accounts save them as PNG files instead of JPG files because JPG files tend to be fuzzy.
  2. After you do a sponsored post you should do a wrap up report that can be given to the brand detailing number of post views, number of clicks on links to the post, number of clicks on links with the post to the sponsor (track this using Bitly.com links), and screen shots of active discussion in the comments of the post or on social media about the post.  The wrap up report can be given to the brand 7-10 days after the post is published.
  3. If you are considering going into business with other blogger friends a better way to do it is to set up two separate companies and then write a contract agreement between the two companies detailing how they will work together for 6 months. Renew the agreement a few times.  If all goes well for 18 months or 2 years only then move forward to set up a business together.  
  4. If you take really good pictures brand will pay you to use them.  Pay attention to any pictures you take of products for this reason.  Make sure you shoot the product in multiple angles and in good lighting (natural is best).  Only license the pictures for a specific time or use.  Do not sell the copy write to the image. 
  5. Make your pictures both horizontal and vertical.  Horizontal pictures are better for Google Plus.  Vertical pictures are better for Pinterest.
There are a few things that get repeated at every blog conference.  They are important and worth reiterating.  Here are 5 things I already new but needed to hear again.
  1. Do a media kit. Update it monthly, It should include your offline influence (live events, your day job, etc..) If your page views are under 20,000 don't mention them. Speak to your highest stats
  2. Write about brands and things you love.  Don't be wishy washy.  Your readers will remember and be turned off if you sing a brands praises one day and then a few weeks later sing the praises of it's competitor.  You will lose their trust and your influence.
  3. Under promise and over deliver.  This is true for sponsored posts and pretty much everything in life.  protect your reputation.  Leave people presently surprised by how much value you provide.
  4. Know your end game and work backwards. Why do you blog? Where do you want to go?  Set up mini goals and steps you need to accomplish to get you to your ultimate goal.  Also understand that your end game can change as your grow, mature, and become more experienced.
  5. Know who your readers are, Age, Gender, Nationality, Location, Family status/ structure, etc...
Like I said above I learned so much that I could not even begin to share it all.  Here are 5 things that I learned about that could possibly learn about also at your next blog conference.
  1. Blogging and Taxes
  2. Passive income
  3. Personal Anecdotes from Superstar Bloggers
  4. How to go about outsourcing
  5. Quality of life tips
Aside from all of the great information you learn at Blog conferences the networking is great.  I met 27 new blogger friends at Women Get social.  I got to chat with 3 or 4 bloggers that I already knew who live in other parts of the country. Now that I am back home I will continue to connect with them online.  Here are 5 bloggers who attended the conference that I suggest you follow and connect with online.  
  1. @Shoeboxbegone - blogger bookeeping expert
  2. @no1doesitlikelc - passive income expert
  3. @clickitupanotch and @NAPWARDEN - photography experts
  4. @HudsonandEmily - business of blogging experts
  5. @SarahMaizes - writing expert.
Women Getting Social was a great conference.  I had a fantastic time learning and being surrouded by  people who love blogging jsut as much as I do.  I can't wait for my next conference, Blogalicious here I come....
Have you ever been to a blogging conference? What was your favorite one?  Where you at Women Getting Social in Philly or one of the other Cities?  What were your favorite takeaways from your last conference? If you have yet to attend a blogging conference what is holding you back???.