20.10.2011 – 23.10.2011

Posted on the 05 April 2013 by Therealme

Thursday 20.10.2011

My business answer wasn’t the best. I forgot some vital things. Adele added a dot next to the plus. E. asked me if we had English homework.



-Two exercises in the book.

He didn’t ask me to give him. Perhaps he didn’t dare.

This day the Devil was smiling when I saw him.

Friday 21.10.2011

Melanie’s birthday.

She invited me in the Tuesday. I was hoping that Ethan was gonna be there, but I knew Darryl was going to dominate. However on Wednesday I heard that he was not coming after Denise told Melanie he was first on the list. This reminded me of a birthday of his…

In the morning when I and mom were waiting she passed. Mum passed her hand and congratulated her birthday. I rapidly said “Happy birthday, Melanie”, and she answered “Thanks Nick”. I should have called her “Mel”. Then she went right to Ethan. I forgot what they talked and Andrea forgot it was Melanie’s birthday,

In school I couldn’t wait to pass the lessons. I was excited because there were 3 days off ahead. Andrea told me to wait for her at 19:45 to go on Melanie’s birthday.

I waited for her with mom till 20:00. She didn’t come, so I went alone (with mom to the door). When I saw Melanie it was natural to me to say: “Happy birthday Mel”, she said “Thanks Nikey”. She came close to kiss me and I kissed her. When I entered in the room even the Gwen Stefani’s song from the TV seemed good to me. Sarah said “Andrea screwed you up again”. If I was someone else from the table she would have said “fucked up”. She said “Sit next to Irene. You two get on well. Irene said “Not anymore”. I sat next to Irene because there was a free place. The candles at the middle of the table made the atmosphere romantic. There was M.N. and her beautifully soft hair now just looked roughly fallen. There was another boy – Neil. On Irene’s demand the TV was changed to Sitel. She said to me “Sit over there, you can’t watch like this” and a few more sentences during the evening. The cake was INCREDIBLY tasty. I was home after 10 pm.

Saturday 22.10.2011

While waiting for M. to call and come, mom told me Sarah came. We went to our grandma’s house where she checked her Facebook from M.’s phone. I was astonished – E. had offered her friendship. She accepted him, but she couldn’t remember who he was. I explained her.

Home I finally had chance to see his profile whenever I want. He was very active, as I knew. I scrolled his posts ‘till August.

It was Saturday and it was interesting.

Later I practiced Sarah math.

Sunday 23.10.2011

M. and Sarah came in the morning. M. chatted on FB and practiced Sarah who stayed ‘till the evening.