Oh, New York City... I miss you...
Fiancé and I were watching a live stream of Times Square when the clock struck midnight on New Year’s Eve. While hundreds of people kissed and cheered in New York City, Fiancé turned to me and said, “Happy New Year! Let the apocalypse begin!”
And then I punched him in the arm for being a wise ass moment-ruiner.
Nobody loves like we do….
Anyways, according to the Mayan calendar, the world will end on the Winter Solstice (Dec.21st-ish.) I’ve listened to a bunch of people talk about how 2012 is the end of times and I have to say, I disagree. Not because scientists have said there’s no asteroid hurtling toward Earth and not because anthropologists have said that the Mayan calendar is wrong, oh no, but because of my trusty friend ASTROLOGY.
It just so happens that we’re in the middle of a centuries-long transition between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius (yep…like the song says, “this is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius”) which means our collective consciousness is shifting. True story. So 2012 is an important year, not because the world will phisycially end but because they way we see the world will change.
Each astrological age is thought to be about 2000 years, with the Age of Pisces stretching from around 1CE to present. “What does this meeeeeean?” you ask. Well, if you could sum up Pisces energy into a single phrase, it would be “I believe.” This makes sense if you consider the overarching themes of the last 2000 years: monotheism, Christianity, organized religion, atrocities committed in the name of God and heads of state being chosen by God. Also, the Age of Pisces saw the stagnation of scientific advancements that had peaked in Ancient Greece during the Age of Aries (the previous astrological age.) These years of stagnation and even backsliding are the Middle or “Dark” Ages and it’s interesting to note, science and scholarship gained speed only in the last 300 years with the arrival of the Aquarius cusp.
This is because Aquarius energy can be summed up as “I know.” Expect huge scientific and technological advancements in the next few years and continued innovation for the next 2000 years. The Age of Aquarius will also see the abandonment of organized religion in favour of personal spirituality. People will loose faith in their churches, as we’ve seen in recent years, and embrace a personal relationship with deity. They will begin to understand they don’t need a church to be close to the divine. We can see this currently, with New Age spirituality becoming increasingly mainstream.
Anyways, that’s what astrologers are saying.
But if we’re all consumed by a giant ball of fire on December 21st, boy, will my face be red.
Because of the fire burns.