First, let me explain why it took so long. I maintain lots of records for my running. I do keep the traditional, or not so traditional, paper logs. The log book varies over time and some have been tossed out but some are lurking in odd places. My current little log book is always in my purse are on the counter by my phone. It is just those older versions that end up in limbo. Perhaps I need a better filing system to keep them....or not.

If I relied solely on the paper logs I probably would have a good storage system in place but I am hooked on online logs since they help with the analysis. Daily Mile truly rocks as an online log and online community. I love the mutual support. If you aren't on Daily Mile I strongly recommend it. But whenever I try to really delve deep and analyze the data beyond what they provide I am not satisfied. I even tried again today to export the data because I have been slacking on online log #2. Yep, I have two. And this is why....see how this data sucks? What are those distances?

So I head on over to Running Ahead at the end of each month so input my runs and do the deeper analysis. Thing is, today I had to catch up starting with November 1st. That means, my last monthly report was for October 2012. Not so good.
And this is why I love Running Ahead for data analysis.

Nice, huh? I was able to export all my runs, delete all before 2012, sort by descending distance, take out all runs less than 13.1 miles and voila! I have my answer to how I did with my 2012 Resolution #1: Run 12 half marathons (or more). Done! I did 17. Woo-hoo! And I love how they were spread throughout all months.
2012 Resolution #2 was to run daily. Done! and continuing. I ran 1,460 miles in 2012 and as of December 31, 2012 my running streak miles were 1,468. I can't wait to see how those numbers change and build by the end of 2013.

2012 rocked and I am very happy with my running performance and how running daily seemed to balance me in all aspects of life. I was happier, healthier, and stronger. Yep, it is true. I look forward to carrying that into 2013 and beyond.
A non-running goal I finally achieved in 2012 was to quit drinking diet coke. I had been trying to kick this bad habit for years! or so it seems. I always tried just stopping and caved in. Family and friends sometimes enabled me to cave telling me a diet coke isn't the worst thing I can do to myself. Maybe so, maybe not, but I didn't want fake sugars in me. I wouldn't let my daughter drink it so why should I? Finally with the help of a Hint Water Challenge I weened myself and I am so happy I have. Yes, at times of intense stress I still crave the idea of a diet coke but I don't cave it. If anything, I grab a sparkling water or if I can, go for a run!
Daily Gratitude: I am so thankful I finally wrote this post!
Daily Affirmation: I know what is best for my body.