2012. Our Most Amazing Year Yet.

Posted on the 31 December 2011 by Theoutsideviewblog @outsideviewblog
Cannon content for 2012 our most amazing year yet @theoutsideviewblog.com original image by enframed at DeviantArt

We went live the 7th of December 2011. That is just 25 days ago.

The support and ensuing results have been amazing and that is, of course, thanks to you who are just reading this article. We have more followers and we have received more requests for being a contributor or a guest writer than we ever thought would be possible in such a short time.

That means, that we made the right decision to start this site. And are doing the right decision by pushing the pedal even more for 2012 to make sure we bring you the quality content you deserve, we want to make, and everybody else expects.

This is still just the beginning and for the 2012 we are rolling out the big guns.

We’ve been alive for 25 days straight. Huh, what an achievement.

During those 25 days we’ve already gathered 103 subscribers, more than we ever though would be possible in a such a short time. With no link building activities or giveaways what so ever, that is truly a miracle.

2012. Our Most Amazing Year Yet.So thank you for the first 25 days and of the first year! And have a happy New Year!

Whether you’re celebrating it at the Time Square, next to that busy coffee parlor in Kioto, in your hut at Chamonix, at the Streets of Delhi or in your friends cozy place somewhere on the rough border territory of Espoo and Vantaa, be sure to take a look at the good things happened during the past year, and then quickly set your gaze towards the future.

Don’t do anything we would do. Have fun and Enjoy!

More Coming in 2012.

For 2012 we have a blast in store for everybody! With clowns, flying elves and maybe, just maybe, the next big thing in show biz.

Or if all that fails, we’ll expand the article warehouse with more witty writings and how-to articles in marketing and design, interesting perspectives on some socio-economic footprints and in-depth looks into modern technological achievements from new gadgets to cloud computing secrets and more. We have just started and the cream of the crop is just to follow.

We also have already listed the help of three new senior level contributors, who will be posting selected articles throughout the year.

It is gonna be an interesting year that 2012. For you and for us.

As Apple would put it: 2012 Is Our Most Amazing Year Yet.


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