Self Expression Magazine

2012's Awesomeness

Posted on the 02 December 2012 by Nesheaholic @nesheaholic
2012's Awesomeness
The year is coming to an end. Thinking back on the past 12 months, I can say that 2012 was filled with lots of awesomeness.
  • I did background work on FOUR TV Shows: Boxing's Ultimate Showdown (pilot being pitched), Political Animals (in which you could see the side of my face lol), Do No Harm (airing 2013), and Smash (second season, airing 2013).
  • Hubs and I also had an awesome trip to San Diego.
  • I lost about 15 pounds.
  • I won a Knight Foundation scholarship to attend the National Arts Marketing Conference.
  • It's been another year with my grandmother in my life after doctors said she was going to die. AND she's on less medication and healing better.
  • I turned one of our extra  bedrooms into a walk-in closet. 
  • We went on an awesome 3rd wedding anniversary excursion to Linvilla Orchards
While 2012 was awesome, I foresee 2013 being filled with even more adventure. Brace yourselves. 2013 is likely the year of the Tim-LaNeshe hybrid ;-)
2012's Awesomeness

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