Diaries Magazine

2012 Vacay!

Posted on the 02 August 2012 by Klnelms @klanelms
I'd be lying if I said this vacation was anything short of awesome! B and myself had an incredible time with his family, and with each other.  It was so nice to be away from work and for the most part, our phones, and just enjoy each other.  And let's not over look the view.  Jeez, how I would l-o-v-e to wake up to that every single morning.  Ahh, pure bliss. 2012 Vacay!
We started off the day with two packed vans that my baby rented for the family to use on the trip.  There was literally like a wall behind our seats- a wall of suitcases.  Ha!
We made a few stops on the way down for lunch and just some stretching (my stupid back problems get in the way during things like this!).  But I think we all appreciated a good stretch of the legs. 
Once we got to the beach, us ladies went grocery shopping and then I was pretty much pooped so I went to bed fairly early.  Actually we went to bed kind of early all week.  I think we were all enjoying the extra rest time. 
The week consisted of lots of lazy times, the boys boogie boarding at the beach while us girls laid out, fun at the track, putt putt golf, seeing a movie, shopping, and eating some fabulous food! Take a look yourself..
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2012 Vacay!
B and I got to enjoy some late night walks on the beach where we really opened up our hearts to each other even more than we ever have.  And one particular night on the balcony when we both ended up needing a box of tissue.  It is just such a joy to know this man is in my life and to hear him verbally express the same feelings that I know I have within my heart is just purely God's grace for us.  No other explanation on how my life can in such a short amount of time be everything I've ever wished for.  Thank you, God. 
Of course there were other pictures besides the ones of fun stuff.  B and I wanted to make this a special year and get some really great pictures of himself and me.  And you all know I'll be using some of these at our wedding, so hence the major importance.  We did picture night two separate nights.  Thursday night was our pink outfits, which I think turned out fantastic!  And then Friday night was the full family pictures and B and I got to end up taking some more couple pictures since we matched pretty well that night too.  (And that was by complete accident!)
I know I brag a lot on B and how much he changed my life, but the part I don't tell enough is how his family has changed my life as well.  From the very beginning they were on board with B and me to become something great.  I just really think it radiated from us that we were going to be a power couple.  And I truly see us that way.  But his family welcomed me into their lives with open arms and huge smiles.  His mom tells me weekly how excited she is and how blessed she feels to have someone like me in their family and that she is so gracious to God that I have a family that they too can interact with and we can all be one big, strong unit.  I think it's great.
His sister allowed me to be around her kids early into our relationship and that spoke volumes to me.  She had already told those kids who I was and they knew my name.  Allowing a "stranger" to come inside your family circle with no certainty that they will remain took a chance on her part.  And I am forever grateful for that.  Blake, Bryce, and Brad are my own nephews now.  I don't see them as "his nephews".  They are just simply "ours" now.  And I love every single second of it.  For them to text me, hug me, and ask for me by name when I'm not in the room just melts this gal's heart.  And that's the exact type of family I wanted to one day end up in.  How blessed am I?
This vacation was particularly special to the family because B's little brother, Ben, leaves for bootcamp in the Army in just a few short weeks.  So everyone was trying to get in some time with Ben and make some memories for him to hold on to while he is away.  And some cute pictures for all of us back home to look at and know there is a great member of this family out there fulfilling his childhood dreams and we have someone to be proud of by name. 
It was really nice for me to get to experience Ben in this way.  B loves his brother and would do anything in the world for him.  They are best friends and I know how much they mean to each other.  You can see that just looking at them.  Ben is still in college and working and so to get away for a week and get some time to get to know him even better was wonderful to me.  
The whole group just made me feel welcomed.  I admit, I was nervous awhile back about going into this family vacation for the first time as still the "new girl" to the family, but it was nothing short of great.  Hope I get to make many, many more trips with this family. 
Speaking of this family, how about some family photos... 
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2012 Vacay!
Can't you tell I had an amazing week?
Now, I know you are wondering, or you should be, where the pictures of just me and the honey are.  Don't fret my loves- yours truly is working on a post displaying just that.  I'm very excited to show these off, so keep posted- they are coming up asap!

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