2013 Blog Review

Posted on the 05 January 2014 by Sparples @Nora_LUMIERE

2013 BLOG REVIEWLOVE or RELATIONSHIP - Something that sounds like a medical emergency but is, by far, the best feeling in the world is not a "relationship".
WOULD YOU READ A NOVEL SET IN THE ANIMATION INDUSTRY? - take a look through the eyes of an animator at a wonderful, complex art. 

WHY WE LOVE STORIES - We need all the ideas we can get about life and survival and how other people do it so we can keep up, surpass or simply marvel at the ingenuity, inventiveness, idiocy or dirty rotten evil of our fellow humans.

THE POWER OF A PICTURE - Many readers and maybe agents/publishers too, seem to see any cartoon as puerile and gormless and anyone represented by one as a nitwit. So, goodbye avatar Lisa.

AUTHOR PHOTOS - Why do photographers pose writers with their hand(s) hovering awkwardly around their face? How often do we do this in real life? Almost never. 

LOVABLE LITERARY CHARACTERS - An unbold publisher is like a jailer, keeping unpublished characters prisoner in their pages, unable to entertain and enlighten readers.

THE POWER OF AN OUTLINE GRID - Being able to place plot points exactly where you want them makes writing faster and easier.

PIMPING LITERATURE - Why not have a book award show with witty presenters, famous writers reading scenes, a live orchestra and lavish dance numbers based on excerpts from best-sellers? 

WRITERS READ BY ACTORS - Two groups of professional actors who will read a writer’s text for her: SWEET in New York and LIARS’ LEAGUE in London, NY, Hong Kong, Leeds.

DISNEY ANIMATION 2013 - As Lasseter himself said, nobody wants to see BAD hand-drawn animation but they do still want to see hand-drawn animation.