2013- New Year Resolutions!

Posted on the 31 December 2012 by Sajan

On behalf of The Vadakari team (Guna, me and my better half), here’s wishing you and your family a very prosperous, enlightening, healthy and courageous New Year. May this New Year make us all aware of our duties, responsibilities, passions and goals and give us the resolve to work towards them, keeping in mind the safety and wellness of our families, friends, neighbors, country and the world in general.

2013- Resolutions:


  • Renew my procrastinated wish to start playing a sport again after a long gap (mostly cricket)


  • Finish my version of Monet’s ‘Lady with a Parasol’ in Oil


  • Finish my Novel (which has been hibernating for over 4 years!)


  • Make peace with the stray dog down the road (Sigh, carried over from last year!)

  • Watch a lion eat its kill in the wild

  • Meet Powerstar Dr. Srinivasan!

  • Go and see the Big Temple in Thanjavur! (The wonder of the world which I cant help but visit and get mesmerized every year!)

And last but note the least:

  • To live life to the fullest. Bring it on!!