2013 was an AMAZING year for sooo many reasons. Here are the top 10 great things that happened in my life in 2013 in no particular order:
1. I donated my hair to Locks of Love & started giving blood regularly again. 2. I went back to Berlin for 2 weeks to follow-up with my participants and see all my friends there. 3. I made a TON of new friends. 2 ladies even live right here in Evansville, and many many more in Indianapolis because of #4. 4. I read an essay in Indianapolis' inaugural Listen to Your Mother performance. 5. We took our kids to Holiday World and had a BLAST. 6. We went zip-lining underground in Louisville for our anniversary. 7. Andy got promoted at work. 8. Annika started kindergarten & Mayzie started preschool. 9. I attended the American Anthropological Association meeting in Chicago where I presented a paper, participated in a roundtable, and got to see a whole bunch of great friends including my blog buddy Marianne! 10. We got a few new things including a FREE TV that I won at Andy's office Xmas party, a FitBit Force for me, and a new (to us) car.
I hope 2014 can live up to the amazing year that 2013 was, but I'm guessing it will. I'm already looking forward to graduating in May and taking a much deserved vacation with just my husband for our 10 year anniversary. I'm planning to finish a book manuscript too. I want to run another 1/2 marathon, and keep donating blood because both of those things make me feel great. Who knows, maybe I'll even be gainfully employed and start paying off my student loans by the end of the year too. Bring it 2014!!
I do also need to add a couple more things to 2013 greatness like the weekend with the whole family at the lake house, stealing away for a night to our friends' lake house, friends coming to visit from Cleveland, and getting to see NKOTB with one of my childhood besties, both girls learning to swim, etc etc etc...What a GREAT YEAR!!!
And now I retreat again to my dissertation cave for 26 more days.