Diaries Magazine

2014 New Year Resolutions

Posted on the 01 January 2014 by Mummyb @mummyb_kw
2014 New Year ResolutionsLast night Jamie asked me what my new year resolutions would be and to be honest I hadn't given it much thought until then. I decided to look at my resolutions last year, and to be fair I haven't stuck to them much. One of my aims was to lose the baby weight, when I wrote that I weighed about 12 1/2 stone (which was actually progress on the 13 1/2 that I got up to when I was pregnant!!!) and I have lost, but not to the target of 10 stone. I'm currently 153lbs which is about 10st 9lbs, I want to get down to 140lbs for my wedding (2nd August) which I think I will be able to do in that amount of time. Next on my list, my biggest aim, is to be more organised. Nothing stresses me out more than being disorganised. I have a list as long as my arm of things I need to do for the wedding but time just seems  to be running away from me. Time to do something about it. Any pointers in organisation would be fantastic! Thirdly, I am going to spend more quality time with Jamie, phone free, internet free quality time. It's so easy to get wrapped up into day to day life and not fully appreciate your partner! Hopefully these will be successful, I will be truly annoyed with myself if I don't make some changes!!!What are your resolutions for 2014?Mummy B xoxox

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