Posted on the 19 June 2014 by Rodeomurrays4
Yes, that's right - the best Father's Day EVER! That's what Brady claims it was... We started the day out bright and early, because we had another swim meet to attend. So right off the bat, Brady got to open his gifts. One of the gifts was from our wonderful friend Renee who took pictures of Brailey and Britt in a Super Hero theme with words about why Brady is their hero, which he loved! She also included cards and a super hero comic strip they each filled out. They worked hard on them and wrote amazing stores! Their dad is truly their hero. The swim meet was great, as well - Britt did really well and made his dad proud. He made everyone proud! Afterwards, we went to Brady's choice for lunch, Five Guys, which was absolutely delicious, and then we enjoyed an afternoon of riding and roping the dummy. We also had a spectacular WWE performance and a wild Nerf Gun Battle. Truly, it was a perfect Father's Day for Brady, and I'm so glad, because he deserves it. The pictures will demonstrate the beautiful day it was... Scroll away! Britt is a lover - he gives us all lots of loves. He loves his dad so much!Brailey and Brady checking out a video on her phone. Life father, like daughter. Ya think? Ha! They stand exactly the same! And thank the good Lord above Brailey got Brady's long legs!Can you spy Brady and Britt in the picture above? Brady was right at the block for every race, cheering his Brittster Man on. He also had to save the day in the 100 Backstroke, which Britt got entered into at the last minute. The ref didn't realize Britt was in the race until Big Daddy explained it to them. Phew! I took over Brady's horse, Maggie. Ha! So Brady has been riding Sadie, and of course the little B's are on Tex and Alvin. We took these pictures ourselves - tricky, aren't we? The two beginners, learning the ropes, as they say - PUN INTENDED!