Diaries Magazine

2018 The Year Of….

Posted on the 03 January 2018 by Lisaloo2 @lisa_teamtracy

2018 The Year Of….

The year of what? I have absolutely no idea. but I have been doing some thinking about some things. The biggest thing is social media. I hate it. I’m not a person who needs to know every moment of a person’s life. I’m not the girl who sits on Facebook 24/7. I have other things to do. Books to read. Life to live. Don’t get me wrong, I do things on Facebook. I have pages and groups I follow. It’s just not my life. I go in, I do what I want to do and then I leave.

I turned 47 a week ago. A couple weeks prior to Christmas I had reality hit me in the face and I sort of went into a mild depression. I realized that life passes us by. We get older. Others get older and we don’t give it another thought. Until something comes across a news feed and you’re like “wow when did that happen” or “They can’t be that old” or “They haven’t been married that long” but then you realize that yeah they are and they have because you, yourself, are pushing 50. Slam dunk right into reality.

So, as a result, I made a couple desicions. I’m going to go out more. I have friends. I need to spend time with them. I have a guy whom I’ve pushed away and pushed away, yet he’s still there. I want to dig deeper into that.

Life is for living.

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