2019 Running Goals

Posted on the 09 January 2019 by Lifeofasportswife @jessaolson
Before we moved to CA we decided we wanted to run more. Gary wanted to become a runner, and I wanted to get back into it and potentially learn to love to run without music.
My goal is to still run at least a 5K every month either virtually or just get out and run a 5K that day. Running is expensive sometimes. I would love to get my time under 25 minutes before the end of 2019. (Which is about an 8.02 mile)
I want to talk about running but a huge struggle for me is going to be the comparison.  i want to be happy with my run and not be discouraged that someone did better.
I want to run at least 4 half marathons. That's one per quarter and this that would be a good goal to get back into running. I'm hoping I get those runners high.
I always say I don't want to do a marathon but I have been seeing people talk about it with admiration. If I do one in 2019 that will be awesome, but if not that's fine too.