No, not today's photo. I haven't sidled off to the seaside again. It was one from our Tiree adventure in June.
Today I spent some time venturing into the wilderness that is my older sons' bedrooms. I braved the discarded pants, Lego pieces and undergrowth of tangled cables to tidy up a bit.
You see. They're coming home. Boy One and Boy Two have been with their dad for three and a half weeks now. And it's far too long.
It feels like an age to me and I'm quite old, I can't imagine how long it must seem to them and Boy Three.
He said: "I miss my brothers. I can't wait to give them cuddles when they get home. It'll be so good to see them."
And he even made a Lego model for them, out of his own Lego.
I know it's what happens with a modern jig-saw family and that probably within 24 hours I'll be struggling to make myself heard and wondering where all the mess has come from.
But today, right now, I can't wait until this time tomorrow when I'll be at the airport eagerly peering at an arrivals board.
It's time for the chicks to be back in the nest.
Today's picture: