Diaries Magazine

22.05.2012 – 26.05.2012

Posted on the 26 July 2014 by Therealme

Tuesday 22.05.2012

522336_298157820260769_1851329285_nI offered Adele Allan Facebook friendship, she accepted me. But … she had only one album – a picture with Easter eggs. After hesitation whether she removed the pictures or hidden them only from me, I realised she censors them from the student who saw them ahead of time – me. She’s just doing worse for her that she haven’t forgave me, am I hot a human? Or she doesn’t love GOD? When I think better, it’s not that important whether I’ll see the pictures or not. God sees everything, including her horoscope sharings (Daniel 2:27), pride supporting (Proverbs 8:13), as well her indecent dressing on the photo’s which she was tagged. No, she’s not more powerful than GOD, not even than Facebook, she had no way to hide her tagged photos. I won’t say anything more, everything is contained in the Bible, I’ll just give her a piece of advice: “Beware on the judgment day”.


Wednesday 23.05.2012

-Adele Allan put likes on my new FB album – home prom photos.
-Went to a performance show of the Zlox’s primary school with Michael.


Thursday 24.05.2012

I was surprised to realize it’s non-work day when saw mom home.
Aunt Tricia came.


Friday 25.05.2012

Walked with father and uncle.
My family prepared for the prom celebration.
I found out a new Bible rule – “be kind towards all”.


Saturday 26.05.2012

Celebrating prom at home.
My family mostly spent the day in preparations for the evening.
This day was a work day for the Municipal High School “Naum Naumovski – Borche”, so I saw Rob, Ted and Dave through the window, Ted told them about me, Dave waved me.
The evening passed without having some special events. Marsha told mom now there IS place in the bus. Now they don’t have to worry. I sat in the other room with the young people while we watched Eurovision and Sammy checked football results on the Internet.
Sarah asked me where have I found razor from, I told her it’s done with the scissors. The surprise of the evening were Benjamin and Zack who gracefully decided to respect me.
Overall, I had guests until one clock.
In my opinion it’s better celebrating the prom in some bar.

22.05.2012 – 26.05.2012

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