23 Month Update
Posted on the 13 May 2014 by Mummyb
I just can't believe that in a few weeks my little girl will be two years old. How is that possible?
Every month I think of how far we have come as a family, not only has Darcie learnt and grown into a beautiful little person, but we, as a family have learnt so much. I just can't wait to finally become Mrs Burgess and another new chapter will begin.
This month Darcie has continued to expand her vocabulary speaking more in sentences than ever before. She has also really got into singing, "Let it go" from Frozen and "Happy birthday" being her go to song choices!
Darcie has also mastered her balance bike. Last weekend we spent the afternoon riding around the block, it was soo cute!
So her next update, her second birthday, will probably be the last monthly update I do. I feel she is just too old now and I would be writing the same things each month! My little girl is growing so fast.
Mummy B xoxox