24 Week Bumpdate! ::And Her Name::

Posted on the 11 June 2013 by Wifessionals @wifessionals
24 Week Bumpdate! ::And Her Name::
Here we are at 24 weeks!
I looked up to see when you are technically 6 months pregnant, as I thought 24 weeks equals 6 months. I guess I was 6 months pregnant starting back at week 22. So now when people ask me how far a long I am, it sounds crazy to say 6 MONTHS!

Taking your bump pictures in this position is awful. Just an FYI to all you mama's to be that are contemplating bumpdates. It barely shows your bump. But since I started them this way, I have to keep them the same.

Here was the bump last Wednesday in the bathroom at Panera...

24 Week Bumpdate! ::And Her Name::
And yesterday before I went to the park (where I got massively sunburned)...

24 Week Bumpdate! ::And Her Name::
So there is a little bump popping out! I had to go to Petco yesterday to get Marcy food and had to ask for help lifting the huge bag. The girl who helped me said "Holy cow, I hope I am that small when I am 6 months pregnant..." So that made me feel good about my mini bump.

24 Week Bumpdate! ::And Her Name::
Last Friday I had a doctor appointment to check out all the back pain and cramping I had been having. My cervix was still closed and as a bonus I got an ultrasound. The little miss was tossing and turning all around, but she suddenly stopped and we snapped a picture of her face and her blowing a bubble.

THIS has happened almost every night this week...I am craving dessert like crazy. Then I figured out how to make a healthier version of the "mug cookie"...and it's been downhill ever since...I don't feel very bad about having dessert at night though. I eat all fruits and veggies and super healthy all day, so a treat at night seems justified.

I have been sneaking into Ryan's clothes a lot. Well, I hate these pants. I told Ryan they make him look so nerdy and he never has actually worn them in all the time I have known him. But this week when I realized my own pajama pants didn't fit, I discovered these pants are super soft and comfy. I also stole his gun shirt. Then the flower lady showed up to deliver me anniversary flowers and I was wearing this...I apologized for my outfit and realized it made me look rather violent...

And on that note: it was our one year anniversary this past Sunday! I cannot believe we have already been married a full year. It was honestly the best year of my life and I am so happy that God brought Ryan to me and gave him to me as my husband.

And in case you missed it on my instagram feed, we announced our little girl's name:

"A little piece of both daddy & mommy equals our sweet little girl...
ryan + kaitlyn : rilynn"

Ryan and I made up this name last Fall. We instantly fell in love with it and realized it was special because it had parts of both of our names in it. Originally we had a different spelling and when I googled it, I didn't see it. Since then, we sat down and wrote out about 5 different spellings and this is the one we chose. So Rilynn is a name that exists, but we still kind of made it up since we didn't pick it out of a baby book or had never heard it before.

The reason we decided to share the name (originally we said we weren't going to tell ANYONE until she was born), was because of something that happened when we were in Florida. I had told my sister her name. Well my mom had a little baby shower and one of the games was for everyone to use the letters in Ryan and I's names to create as many baby names as they could. My friend actually wrote the name Rilynn, just spelled differently. When she said the name to everyone, all our friends were like "Oh that is such a pretty name!!". Then my sister started freaking out and basically forced me to tell everyone because if I didn't speak up, I was sure it was going to burst out of her.

So it was ok and we are happy to have shared. What was the chance of the first person to say their answers to the game, having our daughter's name? So now the world knows (:

That's about it for this week! I have loved watching all my fellow mama-to-be bloggers as they grow too! A couple of you are within weeks of your due dates and I cannot wait!!!

Check out one of the sweetest ladies I know, Mallory: