Diaries Magazine

24.04.2012, 25.04.2012

Posted on the 09 September 2013 by Therealme

Tuesday 24.04.2012
Standing in front of the bus, Ducky pulled me catching my bag: “Nicky”, in order I to give him advantage.
I answered Philosophy.
While I was looking from the door before Economy, I missed that Adele was coming, so I quickly ran into the classroom after seeing her. After she entered, she asked me:
-What was that escaping, Nick?
I don’t remember what followed.
She opened her soul to Sarah about her first working experience: “… [they were] shameless, I was inexperienced…”
After lessons, sitting on the little wall next to me, I was asked by Elaine:
-Do you shave yourself?
Do I shave?
-Comme ci comme ça.
-He shaved? – asked the friend next to her.
Elaine advised me to shave only where I had beard.
I lied but I got out of the situation. Another surprise:
-Nikey, do I have big tits?
What? I looked at them, then at her face:
-He says I have big tits! – She happily told her friend.
-Dump her. – The friend recommended me.
The friend also opined I should tweeze myself, but I said I wasn’t allowed to it from home. Because she was interested in me, I found out her name: Barbara.
John told the tall skinny guy called Jotra that I hid behind my window, “He’s like that”.
Before I climbed in the bus Ducky who had a 7th lesson went in front of me and said “Nicky”.

Wednesday 25.04.2012
Entering from the back door again. Dave allowed me I to be first. He also offered to find me place:
-Nacky, sit somewhere. There’s place from behind.

p009yx4m_640_360On Economy the professor told Sarah about her delicious bread prepared with oil.
I sat alone in the bus.
Home, I saw the Devil. I became Ethan’s 107th Facebook friend on his new profile, on his initiative.

24.04.2012, 25.04.2012

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