Self Expression Magazine
1. i love cats I have 2 but would have more2. i have a little girl called Lily she's 23. I've had 2 black eyes (at separate times) a teacher opened the door and it hit me in the eye and the other my friends brother threw a massive tree branch and it hit my eye ouch!4. I may seem confident but I'm really shy and anxious5. I don't like sweets I eat chocolate but I hate jelly sweets6. I've got 6 tattoos7. I love real life tv8. I've got really thick hair9. I've got quite a high pain threshold but can be a big baby sometimes!10. I'm forever dying my hair11. I'm quite a messy person but I like things to be clean12. I love Nutella13. I've never broken a bone14. I love handbags15. I really enjoy reading16. I live on diet coke17. I have driven for 9 years18. I have 2 younger sisters19. I hated school20. I used to sign in a choir21. I don't drink alcohol anymore22. I always tell it like it is I'm very honest23. I really love the color grey24. I like burning candles25. I'm allergic to blackcurrents and nickel