Tomorrow I turn 28. Here's 28 goals to reach by the time I'm 29.
1. Watch the sunrise from the boot of our car at the beach, snuggled up in a blanket drinking hot chocolate. 2. Pass my driving test. 3. Update the photo's around the house - we currently don't have one single photo of Henry up... Shocking! 4. Decorate the Hallway. 5. Purchase a lightbox. 6. Visit Wales 7. Lose two stone. 8. Take Darcie & Henry to Bewilderwood again. 9. Take at lease 5 pictures of us as a family of four. I think we have around 2 currently! 10. Save £1000, because I'm crap at saving. 11. Read all of my mum's books (books she has written). 12. Go camping. 13. See the fireworks at Alexandra Palace. 14. Have a Mummy and Daughter Date with Darcie. 15. Have a Mummy and Daughter date with Mum. 16. Complete an online photography course. 17. Re-decorate Darcie's room. 18. Start tap dancing again (need to complete goal 2 first though). 19. Sell Henry's and Darcie's old clothes/toys. 20. Have a night out with the girls. 21. Have more date nights with the boy. 22. Take a family bike ride. 23. Book a "big" holiday. 24. See another West End Show. 25. Make more vlogs. 26. Be less stressed. 27. Buy a new lens for my DSLR. 28. Go sailing.
Do you have any "goals" you're are working towards?
Mummy B xoxox