How far along: 28 weeks (THIRD trimester! Eek!)
Size of baby: Head of a cauliflower
Baby's size and weight: 16 in, 2.5 lbs
My total weight gain: 33 pounds. Womp womp. But only up another pound from last week. Baby's development: -Settling into the proper position for birth, head facing downward
-Can blink, cough, suck, hiccup, and take practice breaths
-Sleep now includes REM phase and dreaming... probably about milk ;)
Stretch marks: None.
Maternity clothes: Yep; and it snowed the other morning so it's finally time to bust out the rest of them!
Gender: Girl.
Movement: Yes; I've also noticed the movement a lot lower this pregnancy. I can remember pushing Nolan's little booty out of my rib cage he was so high and she is still extremely low. Must be a second baby thing :)
Sleep: Still taking Unisom nightly and trying to get at least 9 hours a night. Better sleep now, right?
What I miss: having my own space. I love staying with my parents for the time being but it's hard to live out of one room. We have SO much stuff and it seems to always be a mess!
Food cravings: There's a place here called Paninis; the sandwiches have fries and coleslaw on them and I WANT one. Still have yet to get one though...
Symptoms: mostly just feeling large. I've been so blessed this time around to not have any complications.
Nolan is: trying to say more and more and in turn, stuttering he's talking so fast! I keep telling him to slow down and say one word at a time but he just thinks so much quicker than he speaks. He's also completely obsessed with trains. This is what our typical mornings look like:

Zach is: sick of Chow Hall food and ready for this wifey to cook up some goodies in the kitchen. We're also still waiting to see if he will be coming home for a weekend in November. Otherwise, 8 weeks to go!
What I'm looking forward to: securing a house in Georgia! We are supposed to get a call in December about our position on the wait list for on post housing. Fingers crossed we get the house we want. If not, we will have a few days to find a house online and sign the papers virtually. Either way, I'm a little less stressed about it... I just want it to be here already!
Best moments: Nolan learned Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes, complete with motions :) I also received this perfect little fringe infinity scarf from Hello Darling and my adorable Tory Burch flats from Poshmark and am SO happy with them!

Funny things: I had a doctor's appointment this week and Nolan kept pointing to the computer monitor saying "see, baby?" Bless his little heart!

Not so funny things: I received a fake bag from Poshmark and had to send it back. Sad that people will tell you something is real when it's not. Luckily Poshmark knew it was fake too and is refunding me!
And now I have two VERY exciting things to share with you. My gal pal Hallie decided to put together an awesome giveaway for Hunter's Rain Boots (totally jelly of the winner) AND my good friend Katie is saying hello below. Check it out!

Who wouldn't want to win a pair of gorgeous, rubbery, rain resistant, brightly colored Hunter Rain Boots!? How freaking awesome right?!? Something even more amazing than the boots themselves is the ladies who have so generously joined me in bringing you this opportunity. Please take the time to get to know them, I guarantee their blogs and glowing personalities will NOT disappoint!
Just enter for your chance to win this gorgeous pair of leg candy using the rafflecopter widget below. Winner will be announced on Tuesday, November 5th.Good Luck!open to US residents only, winner will be verified on all entries submitted, boot selection is up to the choice of the winner and can be any product valued at $140.00.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Hi Hooah & Hiccups readers! My name is Katie and I started my blog as a way to share my outfits with my sister Lauren and sister in law Lauren (hence the name for Lauren and Lauren). Which is kind of ironic because in high school I wore soccer shorts or sweatpants daily. Fortunately for you I didn't document my fashion back in the day.

To be honest I thought that my sisters, along with my mom, would be the only ones who would read my blog. I had no idea the kind of friends I would make, the blessings that would come from blogging, or the way too many hours I would spend on my computer.
But I love it.
I love sharing my ability to find cheap clothes and kind of wish it was my job. That and I've always wished I was a backup dancer for a rapper or one of those Fanta girls.
But instead I am currently a stay at home mom for the time being. Which has been quite an adjustment and identity shift as I was a third grade teacher for six years. After a few really hard years of dealing with infertility we were blessed with a beautiful baby girl this July. Many days it is still surreal that I have a daughter.

Besides sharing about the adjustment, joys and struggles of motherhood, I love sharing the different projects I've made, like these infinity scarves or heart sweater.

I also occasionally make fun of my husband with either his constant annoying noises, or his lack of knowledge about anything fashion related.

And then of course sharing my love for sweets, clearance racks, and my complete obsession with Target. (But is there any woman who is not addicted to Target?
And as cheesy as it sounds my favorite thing about blogging has been meeting people and making friends. Something that I had no idea existed in the blogging world. I have been so blessed with many friends from this crazy world of blogging and love meeting new bloggers so come visit me and introduce yourself!