We went on a little holiday in LA this past weekend in celebration of my 29th birthday! Twenty-Nine. I am now in the last year of my twenties. Something about it feels utterly surreal. In my heart, I will always be a wide-eyed eighteen-year-old fresh to the city and full of wonder. But in my soul, I feel that I am exactly where I need to be. In these twenty-nine years, I have traveled, and loved, and wed, and created and created and created. I have made two beautiful children. I have made a real home for myself and my family. I have made pictures and words and adventures. I'm in the midst of making a company (eek!). And I wake up each day to these people that I love in this place that I love, and I am happy. Twenty-nine feels good.
My two sisters made me an amazing dinner and the chocolatiest of chocolate cakes with a giant mountain of whipped cream on top. Those two lovely ladies certainly know me pretty well. We had to light the candle four times, so that each of the kids could have a chance to blow it out. Biet made me a card for the first time this year: the biggest and shiniest card I've ever received, covered in glue and rhinestones. I adore it. When I think of all of the coming birthdays and all of the coming glitter cards and popsicle-stick picture frames and mobiles and paintings made by the creative little minds and hands of my babies, I melt. Biet will help her brother glue the rhinestones next year, and they may even bake me a delicious lopsided cake like I used to do with my sisters for my Dad. This twenty-ninth birthday of mine was such a delicious preview of what's to come. Be still my heart.