£2.99 Deal on Cinema Tickets (5 Day Offer)

Posted on the 04 April 2012 by Alison @AlStaples
Morning - I'm going to be a bit quiet this week, because I'm beavering away writing for my new project 4Manchester Women, which launches in just under two weeks time.
However, I wasn't about to let you miss out on this great offer which popped into my in box over night. If like me, you cringe every time you go to the cinema because it's so damn expensive - well there's a five day Wowcher deal (at time of writing there were 4 days and 15 hrs left) for:
£2.99 cinema tickets!
£2.99 deal on cinema tickets (5 day offer)

The offer is limited to one per person - but even so - it's a £2.99 cinema ticket! Click here for the offer.
And it's not limited just to Manchester - check out the map to see which cinemas are taking part. Although the offer says independent cinemas - there are also some larger mainstream multiplex cinemas participating. So for us in Manchester, there is the AMC Great Northern.
The thinking behind it is around celebrating the release of 3D Titanic and the fact that in 1997, when Titanic was originally released, a cinema ticket cost £2.99. Nowadays you'll be lucky to find one for under £8.00.
Unfortunately you can't use your £2.99 ticket to watch 3D Titanic, because it's only valid for 2D films.
On the subject of Titanic, a friend recently told me about one of her friends who back in '97 went to see Titanic seven times with seven different girls because it was the ultimate date movie - a bit of romance with a lot of comforting. Now that has to win a prize for devotion to dating!
Anyway - enjoy your cheap cinema ticket and let me know what you went to see. And if you feel like writing a review for 4Manchester Women - then we'd be delighted to hear from you.