- Twitter - I have come to LOVE twitter. I feel kind of silly, because I was so against getting one for so long. I love it for blogging because, it’s easy to get ahold of other bloggers. It is real time information, I find out first when people need someone to guest post for them or questions that other bloggers can answer for me. It’s a fun network. I also follow mostly bloggers on twitter, which makes it my go to place for anything blogging related. As oppose to my personal Facebook, which I choose not to contaminate with all my blogging knowledge :) My Twitter Account
- Facebook for your blog - Do it! If you are wondering or debating if you should do this, the answer is definitely. It is kind of the god of social networks. Everyone has a Facebook, not everyone has a twitter or a blog. So for all those people who don’t have GFC or twitter a Facebook page for your blog is the best way for them to keep up. However I do highly suggest that you ask questions, post photos, and do more with this Facebook page than just say “New Post”. Annoucing that you have a new post up is totally awesome, seriously. I just think that you want to give your page personality with photos and questions, so people can interact on your page. Becoming What I Always Was Facebook Page
- Consistency - Be consistent! I can’t tell you this enough. Whether it means scheduling posts ahead of time or however you want to make sure your blog is consistent. Just do it! The most annoying thing to me is finding a blog you love that is posting 5 times a week, and then all the sudden a month goes by with no updated. Then when they reappear I’m not as compelled to read their new posts.
Diaries Magazine
I have been asking lots of questions on twitter and Facebook lately. I am really trying to grow my readership and get the most out of all the channels there are! I decided to write up a conclusions of the top 3 questions I was wondering, so that all you blogging fools much like myself could benefit from the feedback that I have been getting. We will keep it simple and sweet. However if you have more advice on these topics or any other topics that you have come to love while blogging I beg of you PLEASE SHARE!