3 Ways to Get Fresh Ideas

Posted on the 24 October 2011 by Lisa @Lisapatb
Ever have trouble finding a new idea for a blog post or a solution to a problem? I have found several ways to do just that.
1. Step Back - Taking a step back can really help to generate a new idea or a solution to problem. Just step back from the thought and a little later it will automatically pop up. I have gotten my best ideas in the shower or while driving - after being away from the computer.
3 Ways to Get Fresh Ideas
2. Just Walk Away - Walking away is a great way to refresh yourself and empty your thoughts out so new ones can form for you. Walking works for me to find a solution to a problem. It can give you a different perspective.
3 Ways to Get Fresh Ideas 3. Read - Reading something else will either take you away or give your more ideas. Reading is a great way to refresh the mind. Read something you really enjoy and see how it works for you.
3 Ways to Get Fresh Ideas
How do you find new ideas or solutions to a problem?