30 Day Photo Challenge ~ Day Seven

Posted on the 29 August 2012 by Redneckprincess @RdNeckPrincess

Today’s picture was an easy one, in that I have lots of choices. The Challenge was Fruit.

I chose my favorite fruit in the yard, blueberries.

The only trouble I have, is that I will stand in the yard and just eat them.

I don’t share, I don’t bring them in, and I can honestly say I have only made one batch of muffins with them. Nothing else.

I don’t even know if anyone else has eaten any. It’s like peas.

I don’t share well, and if you don’t come out to the garden and pick them yourself, you are probably not going to get any.

I know it’s bad, I am sorry. Sort of…I have a tummy full of blueberries and you don’t, so I am not really that remorseful.

Just saying.

Here’s to not sharing…