Now why 30 days? It's general knowledge that a habit can be formed within 21 days of doing an activity so it could possibly be to help form the habit of working out. It could be that since all the months, even the 31 day months, with the exception of February, have 30 days in them one can start the fitness challenge at the beginning of the month and see if they can complete it.
Those who have commented about their progress or completion of these challenges said they were very challenging and there are many people who just regard the challenges as stupid or crazy. Either way, it seems to be the new thing going around. We just advise that you should consult your doctor before starting any new routine for your own health. However, it is great to see everyone encouraging fitness.
With that said, here are a few of the challenges being shared on the web. Are you up for any of these?
1. The 30 Day Squat Challenge

2. The 30 Day Ab Challenge

3. The 30 Day Plank Challenge

4. The 30 Day 100 Rep Bodyweight Challenge

5. The 30 Day 5-4-3-2-1 Overall Body Challenge