30 Days of Not Drinking… Heaven Help Me.

Posted on the 08 September 2015 by Martinisandminivans @martinisandmini

Goodbye my love… I’ll see you in 30 days.

Ok, ok, let me explain.

I understand that my blog is called Martinis and Minivans. So obviously, drinking is something I enjoy immensely. And for the woman who emailed me a few months ago, I am not condoning drinking martinis WHILE driving a minivan. The two are exclusive of each other. However, if the car is parked, who am I to judge.

Anyway, back to my point.

I might love myself some alcohol but lately, my body does not.

It was a summer full of nightly cold beers on the porch with friends, trips that encourage hilarious nights of cocktails, and the ever-popular glass of wine (or 3) after the kids go to bed.

And it was absolutely wonderful.

However, I must admit, I noticed that my muffin top was growing at an alarming rate and a lack of any positive sleep pattern did not seem to agree with my actions.

But that wasn’t the final reason.

A few weeks ago, my sister-in-law and brother-in-law did a cleanse where they didn’t drink alcohol for 30 days. After they told us about it, my husband laughed and said that he didn’t think I could ever do that. I then said the same about him.

Which, of course, means that we are now BOTH doing it.

Don’t get me wrong –  I’m not going crazy and starting some exercise plan that I’ll pretend to do when I’m really watching Scandal, but I am going to do the no-alcohol thing.

I’m giving up drinking any form of alcohol for 30 days. If not for my body, then at least for a chance to get my husband to eat his words.

I’m on day 2 now and I haven’t started to imagine my children’s heads are beer bottles yet so that’s good, right? And I haven’t caused any bodily harm to my husband so that’s a point in the “success” column.

Who’s with me? Anyone?

Okay, okay, I didn’t think so. But do me a favor and toast to me and my hopefully shrinking muffin-top when you enjoy a cold one tonight, okay?
