Diaries Magazine

309/365 Day 6 The Ingratitude of the Lucky

Posted on the 07 November 2013 by Ellenarnison @Ellen27
309/365 day 6 The Ingratitude of the Lucky

"Tell us about a time everything fell into place."

When I saw today's prompt, I thought it would be an easy one. Things fall into place all the time with a satisfying clunk. They do for me.

My car engine works, my wifi connects, my fridge yields ingredients, my family come home, my writing is commissioned and, a few times, my ovaries even came up with the goods.

Thousands and thousands of times life worked out - things fell into place. But I can't remember any of them. Not really.

Instead anecdotes are built on the few collisions, confusions and catastrophes - effort and energy expended on variously avoiding or resolving the problems. The tidal wave of success is simply accepted and forgotten.

You might think I would call upon you, dear reader, to pause to give thanks every time perfectly browned toast is propelled upwards or an aeroplane lands safely, but I won't. That would simply add sanctimonious and smug to ungrateful.

I could bemoan the lack of falling into place the words of this wise and witty pay off are doing, but I won't.

This post is part of #NaBloPoMo and inspired by Vonnie's prompt.

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