Orange and black are the official colors of Halloween. This is news to no one, but in case you’ve never considered the symbolic nature of these colors, here’s some information:
Orange is the color of pumpkins, candy corn and autumn leaves. Maybe orange is the color of stars, certainly it’s the color of the setting moon. Candlelight is orange. So are marigolds and chrysanthemums, flowers popular in Day of the Dead celebrations. You can see how this color has particular resonance at Halloween.
Orange is the color of personal power. It represents will, creativity, happiness, vitality and luck. It represents light.
Incorporate orange into your Halloween celebration by placing citrine, amber, coral, carnelian or goldstone on your altar. Decorate with pots of orange mums. Put orange candles in your windows to welcome back the dead.
Black is the color of night. It represents mystery, death and sometimes evil. Soil is often black, like the dirt shoveled on top of a coffin but also like the life-giving fields where crops are planted. It is the color of everything occult or esoteric. Black, more than any other color, represents the Halloween season because it symbolizes the dark half of the year that begins on November 1st.
Black is not actually a color, rather, it is the absence of color. Black absorbs the entire color spectrum of a light wave and in doing so absorbs all its energy. This is why clergy members, witches and other spiritual people often wear black, their robes absorb energy that they can then transmute into something good (a prayer, a spell, etc.) This is where the idea that black banishes negativity comes from.
Incorporate black into your Halloween celebrations by hanging up paper bats, spiders and cats. Divine with a scrying mirror (a black glass mirror used to see symbols, shapes and sometimes spirits.) Wear your witchiest clothing.
Personally, I like to wear a lot of black eyeliner.
‘Tis the season