31 Days of Halloween – Day 8: Banshees

Posted on the 08 October 2012 by Bunnysunday @missbunnysunday

31 Days of Halloween – Day 8: Banshees

The word “banshee” comes from the Irish bean sí, meaning “woman of the faeries.”

In Irish and Scottish mythology, banshees are female ghosts, known for their wailing

Often, a banshee attaches its self to a family and haunts each generation, foretelling the deaths of family members by wailing or appearing the night before someone dies.

Banshees have been described as both beautiful women and old hags. They are often seen wearing white or grey and have long, flowing hair.

It has been suggested that the wails of banshees are really just screeching barn owls out hunting at night.

Banshees are said to follow families with surnames beginning with O’, Mac and Fitz. This includes people related through marriage.


P.S. My great-grandfather’s last name was Fitzpatrick… eeeeeek.

31 Days of Halloween – Day 8: Banshees