31 Tips for Carers
During the month of October I am taking part in the Ultimate Blog Challenge. The overall title for my posts is 31 Tips for Carers. It is a combination of things that I have done and found useful in my walk as a carer. For ease, I thought that I would put all the posts that I had written together in one place. If you want to get in touch with me about any of the tips do leave a message, share your experiences and any tips that you have found useful!
Time to Talk - Day 13 & 14
Local Resources - Day 12
Fresh Air - Day 11
Release - Day 10
Day 9 - to come
Day 8 - to come
Encourage - Day 7
Family and Friends - Day 6
Independence - Day 5
Remember their Story - Day 4
Savor - Day 3
Organise - Day 2
Adapt - Day 1
Come back tomorrow for another tip!If you want to read about some of my experiences as a carer as I look after my mom who has dementia, check out the image below and it will take you to the posts.