It's Blogfest day and I'm in London after a cosy night on the sleeper. I'm excited about the day ahead - hearing inspiring speakers, meeting old chums and refueling my passion for blogging.
Not, of course, that my blogging fire is dwindling in any way. But I've learned that the energy generated by a room full of like-minded e-scribes is phenomenal and if I only take a tiny bit home with me it'll be worth it.
Which brings me to my original question: What do you call a collection of bloggers?
And, with splendid timing, Vonnie's NaBloPoMo prompt today is: Which cause is closest to your heart and why?
Ordinarily I'd grapple with the subject asking which of the many things I care about are top of my personal pops. Today, though, I'll say blogging, by which I mean all the wonderful things it can do. Blogging can heal and unite, it instructs and ignites. Done right, blogging can change the world.