but look....its just so cute
But really, my FRIENDS! So much has happened in the last eight days, I have os much to tell you!
First of all-I probably spotlighted my little vlogging thingie while I was doing it: sad to say, that has crashed and burned. Until a new video camera makes its way into my life-we'll stick to blogging-eh? eh.
So, these past eight days. I've become a serious binge-er of Youtubers (to many -ers, sorry). Dan, Phil, Tyler, Connor-all the biggies. I'm terribly sorry, but it's like watching a bunch of "Friends" cast members make videos about themselves and I do believe I'm hooked! (Team Internet, yeah!)
Also, not many of my friends do (or at least not, publicly?) but I do have a few friends who have recently started some trippy Internet activities (and by a few, I mean-like-three)
First of all:
Ivan Montererererererereo
That's not actually how the name goes, but in my head-that's how it's spelled phonetically, get with it.
Ivan has officially caught the Vlogging boat and is rocking that baby to-ummm. I'm not exactly sure what I was going to say there-but moving on.
Ivan's videos are hilarious, and we both have a huge mutual love for all things MArvel (and I think DC, Ivan? Help me out here...) Either way-whenever a new movie comes out I head over to Ivan to see what he's saying about it. Moral of the story, go check him out!
Next: Ellie!
Last, but certainly not in the least: Maisey Ann
I know some more of my friends have blogs and YouTube channels-and I want to try and spotlight them a little. ( Might also be because I don't exactly have a lot to say....)
Quickie on me: It's Marching Band week, and it feels SO good to be back. Also I applied/filled out applications for colleges this week. I also finished my Summer Reading that is required for some of my classes. And I have officially filled my freezer with some Vegetarian friendly foods for Winter!
I'm a vegetarian now, and it's going quite well thank you.
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