Around the time of my last birthday I wrote a list of 32 things I wanted at 32 years of age. How did I go? Hmmm… Let’s see.
1- Watch a sunrise lying on the beach – Unfortunately I did not get around to this one. I saw a few sunrises from inside my house when I had an early riser on my hands but not while lying on a beach.
2- Sell the unit and buy a house – WE DID IT!!! So happy that this is one I can cross off my list.
3- Go horse riding – Did not get around to this one :-(
4- Do five random acts of kindness – I am sure I did do some random acts of kindness. I can’t say I wrote them down though.
5- Go on a bush walk – We have a lovely grass area that backs onto the bush behind our new house. We have been on a few bush walks down there. I can’t wait to go on some longer ones as B1 and B2 get a bit older.
6- Dance in the rain - YES! I did this with B1 and B2 just the other day. I was hysterical!
7- Read and finish 5 books – Tick!
8- Hug my best friend before she walks down the isle – This was one of the happiest moments of my life!
9- Run in a fun run with B1 and B2 – I did lots of running through the streets pushing B1 and B2 in the pram, though I did not go in an organised fun run event with them.
10- Run in a fun run by myself - I ran in the Sutherland to Surf and did a PB!
11- Get a new bike and ride it often - Love my cruiser. Don’t get to ride it often enough though.
12- Buy myself flowers - I did this a few times. Not expensive ones but pretty all the same.
13- Send flowers to 3 people – I managed one person.
14- De-clutter - did manage to de-clutter during packing and moving. Still a way to go though.
15- Dance like crazy at my brother’s wedding – This kinda happened. There was not much dancing at the actual wedding after being evacuated and re located. There was lot’s of celebrating though. At the reception – wedding take two- last month I was suffering a sinus infection and terrible morning sickness. I did manage to let a little loose when Eagle Rock came on though.
16- Take B1 and B2 on a boat – We went for a lovely Ferry ride to Bundeena and back with a great day spent swimming and playing in between.
17- Take B1 and B2 to the aquarium – Yes we did this. They had an absolute ball!
18- Play tennis – We played around the house but not at a proper tennis court.
19- Have more baths - I had quiet a few at the unit before we moved and now since getting our bathroom reno finished I have been bathing up a storm.
20- Try 5 new foods I have never tried before – I tried Kale but I can not think of any other foods I tried for the first time.
21- Make 10 crafts from Pinterest – hahahaha – NO!
22- Take B1 and B2 on a plane – Oh so close. We are going to Vanuatu in 3 days.
23- Practice yoga at least once a week – I think I may have done this in some form once a week. Maybe missing a week here or there. Most would be a few minutes though not hour long sessions. I wish!
24- Take my parents and in laws out to dinner to say thanks for all their help – Been to lot’s of dinners with them but not us specifically taking them out for this reason. Must get onto that.
25- Make 5 recipes from the large amount I have pinned on Pinterest - I reckon I may have done this too!
26- Go to the cinema - Twice I think.
27- Eat in a fancy restaurant – Does Chinese count?
28- Get as close to finishing my course as possible (getting there) – close but this got put on hold for a while.
29- Kiss my husband good morning and good night every day (this is a tough one but most days) – Good night I definitely think I did, good morning not so much.
30- Moisturise every day (so far so good) – Yep!
31- Start wearing my jewelry more often – Hmm how much more often? Maybe not!
32- Wear more bright colours - I think I can say yes to this.
So that is 18 out of 32!
Well, it’s more than 50%. That is a pass right?
Stay tuned for this years 33 things at 33 years old!
iBOTted, did you?