32 at 32… How Did I Go?

Posted on the 18 March 2014 by Meltingmoments

Around the time of my last birthday I wrote a list of 32 things I wanted at 32 years of age. How did I go? Hmmm… Let’s see.


1-   Watch a sunrise lying on the beach – Unfortunately I did not get around to this one. I saw a few sunrises from inside my house when I had an early riser on my hands but not while lying on a beach.

2-   Sell the unit and buy a house – WE DID IT!!! So happy that this is one I can cross off my list.

3-   Go horse riding – Did not get around to this one :-(

4-   Do five random acts of kindnessI am sure I did do some random acts of kindness. I can’t say I wrote them down though.

5-   Go on a bush walkWe have a lovely grass area that backs onto the bush behind our new house. We have been on a few bush walks down there. I can’t wait to go on some longer ones as B1 and B2 get a bit older.

6-   Dance in the rain - YES! I did this with B1 and B2 just the other day. I was hysterical!

7-   Read and finish 5 booksTick!

8-   Hug my best friend before she walks down the isle – This was one of the happiest moments of my life!

9-   Run in a fun run with B1 and B2 – I did lots of running through the streets pushing B1 and B2 in the pram, though I did not go in an organised fun run event with them.

10-   Run in a fun run by myself - I ran in the Sutherland to Surf and did a PB!

11-   Get a new bike and ride it often - Love my cruiser. Don’t get to ride it often enough though.

12-   Buy myself flowers - I did this a few times. Not expensive ones but pretty all the same.

13-   Send flowers to 3 people – I managed one person.

14-   De-clutter - did manage to de-clutter during packing and moving. Still a way to go though.

15-   Dance like crazy at my brother’s weddingThis kinda happened. There was not much dancing at the actual wedding after being evacuated and re located. There was lot’s of celebrating though. At the reception – wedding take two- last month I was suffering a sinus infection and terrible morning sickness. I did manage to let a little loose when Eagle Rock came on though.

16-   Take B1 and B2 on a boatWe went for a lovely Ferry ride to Bundeena and back with a great day spent swimming and playing in between.

17-   Take B1 and B2 to the aquarium – Yes we did this. They had an absolute ball!

18-   Play tennis – We played around the house but not at a proper tennis court.

19-   Have more baths - I had quiet a few at the unit before we moved and now since getting our bathroom reno finished I have been bathing up a storm.

20-   Try 5 new foods I have never tried before – I tried Kale but I can not think of any other foods I tried for the first time.

21-   Make 10 crafts from Pinterest – hahahaha – NO!

22-   Take B1 and B2 on a plane – Oh so close. We are going to Vanuatu in 3 days.

23-   Practice yoga at least once a week – I think I may have done this in some form once a week. Maybe missing a week here or there. Most would be a few minutes though not hour long sessions. I wish!

24-   Take my parents and in laws out to dinner to say thanks for all their help – Been to lot’s of dinners with them but not us specifically taking them out for this reason. Must get onto that.

25-   Make 5 recipes from the large amount I have pinned on Pinterest - I reckon I may have done this too!

26-   Go to the cinema - Twice I think.

27-   Eat in a fancy restaurant – Does Chinese count?

28-   Get as close to finishing my course as possible (getting there) – close but this got put on hold for a while.

29-   Kiss my husband good morning and good night every day (this is a tough one but most days) – Good night I definitely think I did, good morning not so much.

30-   Moisturise every day (so far so good) – Yep!

31-   Start wearing my jewelry more often – Hmm how much more often? Maybe not!

32-   Wear more bright colours - I think I can say yes to this.

So that is 18 out of 32!

Well, it’s more than 50%. That is a pass right?

Stay tuned for this years 33 things at 33 years old!

iBOTted, did you?