Diaries Magazine

32 Things in My 32nd Year

Posted on the 21 February 2013 by Meltingmoments

I have always been a list writer. I love the feeling of drawing that line through a task once I have finished it. It also helps me to worry a little less about all the things that are going through my head, once they are down on paper.

Various times now, I have seen this idea of writing a ‘to do’ list for the year ahead. Your age determining the number of goals on the list. Quiet simply, I love this idea.

So on my birthday I sat down and started thinking. One by one I wrote down my list; thirty two things I want to accomplish before I turn thirty three.

Here they are:

32 things in my 32nd year

1-   Watch a sunrise lying on the beach

2-   Sell the unit and buy a house

3-   Go horse riding

4-   Do five random acts of kindness

5-   Go on a bush walk

6-   Dance in the rain

7-   Read and finish 5 books

8-   Hug my best friend before she walks down the isle

9-   Run in a fun run with B1 and B2

10-   Run in a fun run by myself

11-   Get a new bike and ride it often

12-   Buy myself flowers

13-   Send flowers to 3 people

14-   De-clutter

15-   Dance like crazy at my brother’s wedding

16-   Take B1 and B2 on a boat

17-   Take B1 and B2 to the aquarium

18-   Play tennis

19-   Have more baths

20-   Try 5 new foods I have never tried before

21-   Make 10 crafts from Pinterest

22-   Take B1 and B2 on a plane

23-   Practice yoga at least once a week

24-   Take my parents and in laws out to dinner to say thanks for all their help

25-   Make 5 recipes from the large amount I have pinned on Pinterest

26-   Go to the cinema

27-   Eat in a fancy restaurant

28-   Get as close to finishing my course as possible

29-   Kiss my husband good morning and good night every day

30-   Moisturise every day

31-   Start wearing my jewelry more often

32-   Wear more bright colours

So there they are. Down on paper (or screen) for everyone to see.

I hope to be able to draw that line through each one. I will keep you all updated, as I am sure some of these will make some great stories for me to post about.

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