Actually it didn't ping, if all my emails pinged, I'd go round the twist fairly quickly, but this one deserved a ping.
It was a newsletter from the very lovely Alison Finlay and it was titled 'Looking Cool'. It detailed an idea that I adore. I'm sure Alison wouldn't mind me sharing. Here's what she said:
"I heard about the Cool Stuff Jar earlier this year. I really liked the idea of randomly filling up a jar with notes. It works by writing on each note something good or memorable that has happened to you, which then goes in the jar. You can do this weekly, monthly, or whenever you feel like it."The objective being to open the jar at the end of the year and reflect on what the notes say. I'ts a reminder too for things you have forgotten about that took place early on in the yaer.
"I decided to have a go and used lots of different coloured card to make it look more fun! You'll be amazed by how much good stuff there is."
It's a brilliant idea and a little bit like what happens with my blog. I often find myself browsing back through the posts and reminding myself of all the fabulous stuff I've enjoyed this year, and before. Though, being a blog, there are plenty of rants about the less good bits too.
Today's entry, for example, would be 'a surprise box of beautiful flowers from Bloom and Wild, sent for free because I offered them a suggestion'.
Neither kinesiologist Alison nor florist Bloom and Wild even know I'm writing this, let alone paid me to do so. However, I wholeheartedly recommend both as they are blooming great.