39 Weeks and Waiting

Posted on the 18 June 2012 by Karaevs @KaraEvs

I’m now on maternity leave and just waiting around for something to happen.

It’s painful. I keep thinking that I “feel” something happening, that the baby could be coming, but then it stops and I wonder if it’s all in my head. Every cramp, twinge and bathroom trip leaves me suspicious. I am my own worst enemy.

I’m so ready for this all to be over. I’m not mentally prepared for the whole labor and delivery part, but I’ll cross that bridge when I get there. I’m waiting for that “burst” of energy that every past-pregnant woman has spoken of that happens before they went into labour, but so far, I’ve got nothing.

I’ve started trying the “get labor started” tricks – drinking raspberry tea, “bouncing” on an exercise ball, eating spicy food, etc., but so far (as of 5:30 Sunday evening), nothing. I told Kyle that he’s to take me down a bumpy back road while he’s on days off this week. I’m going to get this baby out one way or another.

Waiting, waiting, waiting … It’s the pits.

How far along? 39 weeks

How big is baby?  She weighs about 7.5lbs and is about 20.5″ long, according to BabyCentre.ca. I’m okay with that!

Total weight gain/loss: I’ve gained a couple more pounds, which I’m certain is all water weight judging by the size on my enormous feet and ankles.

Maternity Clothes? I’m definitely done shopping. Don’t be surprised if I wear clothes at all from now until the baby arrives. I’m not even joking.

Stretch marks? They’re there. Oh well. I’ll just deal with them later.

Sleep: I’m up all the time. I’ve been able to manage the “waking up sweating to death” bit, but getting more than 2 hours of sleep at a time is proving to be a challenge. The worst thing is that almost everytime I wake up, I wake Kyle up, which makes me feel horrible especially when he has to go to work in the morning. I really should just sleep in our spare bedroom, even though I’d have to deal with a potentially smelly Campbell.

Movement: Still lots, which makes me wonder whether or not Baby is ready to arrive. They (whoever “they” are) say the movement slows down when they’re “in position”, but my doctor said she’s head down. I don’t know. I’m completely lost.

Food cravings: Salt! Which is horrible because my feet are so swollen. And I’ve really been wanting fish & chips. Weird.

What I miss: Normal-sized feet.

What I am looking forward to: Baby arriving any day now, and a new chapter of our lives!

Milestones: The baby furniture is all in the room and ready to go! I feel SOOO much better now that it’s all there. Maybe that’s why I’m growing impatient.

Photo: No photo this week – Just know that I’m pretty much the same size, Baby hasn’t dropped, and I’m feeling like a whale.