4 Self-Portraits - 4 Ways {Photography Challenge}

Posted on the 25 April 2013 by Ninabille @ThoughtsImages

On our way to a get together, my husband needed to stop by a gas station to get something. As I was sitting in the car and putting on lip gloss I saw that the mirror works as  a fine frame: There I was, diving into my purse, looking for the camera -  a snap hot!

Welcome to the first 4 Ways Photography Challenge!
4 Ways Photography Challenge is a monthly creative memewhere we wish to challenge you and one another in finding 4 ways of photographing the monthly themes:
April 25th:  4 Self-Portaits - 4 Ways
May 23rd: Motherhood
June 20th: In My Town
August 15th: Capturing Negative Space
4 Ways is hosted by 4 friends - all photo enthusiasts, who wish to share the joy of finding new insights and skew anglesin photographing the world around us, embracing everyday life with a camera at hand.
4 Ways Photography Challenge is open to everyone!
The April theme is
4 Self-Portraits - 4 WaysBaking mud cake and tasting the frosting - well - a few times ... yum! Having the round taste of chocolate in my mouth - that brings a subtle smile on my face! I edited the photo using the posterize-function in PicMonkey, and adding a vintage effect on Pixrl Express.Evening tea and some quiet time ... dwelling in the dreamy landscapes far away ...
4 Ways Photography Challenge is open to everyone:
 Come and join us by linking your self-portraits
in a blog post or Flickr-link below.
PS. Self-portait can be anything
- a shadow, a foot;
any representation of you
<div align="center"><a href="http://thoughtsandimagesalongtheway.blogspot.dk/" title="Thoughts and Images Along the Way"><img src="http://i1277.photobucket.com/albums/y483/NinaBille/Portrait/4Photos4WaysButtonNinaWEB_zpsfa67be35.jpg" alt="Thoughts and Images Along the Way" style="border:none;" /></a></div>